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Estudiante de doctorado publica en prestigiosa revista de Matemáticas
Noticias - Doctorado

Esperanza Lozada, estudiante del Doctorado en Educación Matemática, y el Prof. Rigoberto Medina, académico de los Programas de Postgrado en Educación Matemática, publican artículo en prestigiosa revista de matemáticas:

Classroom Methodologies for Teaching and Learning Ordinary Differential Equations: A Systemic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis

En el resumen del artículo señalan:

In this paper, we develop a review of the research focused on the teaching and learning of ordinary differential equations with the following three purposes: to get an overview of the existing literature of the topic, to contribute to the integration of the actual knowledge, and to define some possible challenges and perspectives for the further research in the topic. The methodology we followed is a combination of a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis. The contributions of the paper are given by the following: shed light on the latest research in this area, present a characterization of the actual research lines regarding the teaching and learning of ordinary differential equations, present some topics to be addressed in the next years and define a starting point for researchers who are interested in developing research in this field.

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Se puede citar como:

Lozada, E., Guerrero-Ortiz, C., Coronel, A., & Medina, R. (2021). Classroom Methodologies for Teaching and Learning Ordinary Differential Equations: A Systemic Literature Review and Bibliometric Analysis. Mathematics, 9, 745.